It's not black and it doesn't have any red on its wings, but this is a Red_Winged Blackbird. Without a close look (at the photograph) we would assume that this is a Sparrow or something like one. It's the male of the species that fits the description, there's a picture of one below. This bird was sitting on some bramble by a pond near to some trees. As the wind gently blew, the tree's leaves rustling would flicker light onto the bird. It took a few photos to get her head suitably lit.
Male Red-Winged Blackbird.

Photography notes:
This photograph has had a few distracting branches cropped off the right side. Next, the top was cropped a bit to better center the subject. The big circles in the background are out-of-focus dewdrops on pond plants reflecting the sun towards the camera. The surface of the pond was almost entirely covered with plants.