Japanese Maple Leaf in Fall

This is the first picture posted this autumn, so we wanted to show some fall colour. We like this photograph partly for the bright red leaf and partly for the highlights thrown by the water in the background (although we admit that maybe the one at the top of the leaf might drawn too much of your attention).

Photography notes:

We seem to say this rather often but, once again, the colour gamit of the world wide web isn't sufficient to render this leaf's red. The result is that this image doesn't have quite the same punch as the original.

When this picture was taken, the lens used was 15 years old. We still have this lens, although we tend to use a newer Z 105mm MC lens instead. If you look carefully at the out-of-focus highlights, you'll see a slightly brighter ring around the outside. We call this effect "soap-bubble bokeh". The newer lens has a smoother edge, see this more recent picture. That's not the only difference between the two lenses, but the other ones are equally small. We will choose the older lens to emphasize the background a little and the newer one to soften it.

25 Sept 2024