Magnolia Flower


One of the earlier signs of spring in Vancouver is the opening of the Magnolia flowers. This photograph has a nice view of the flower's interior complete with excellent lighting. This image is a tight crop taken from a much larger photograph, it is only about of fifth of the original picture.

The camera recorded the following information in the original image file:

 Hasselblad H3DII-50
 2013/03/23 1:43:48 PM
Data Format:RAW (16-bit)
Image Size:4767 x 2789 (cropped)
Lens:Hasselblad HC 120mm F/4 Macro
Focal Length:120mm
Exposure Mode:Manual
Metering Mode:Center-Spot
 1/125 sec - F/10
Exposure Comp.:0 EV
Flash Mode:Off
Sensitivity:ISO 50
Color Mode:Hasselblad RGB
Hue Adjustment:0
 Gerald & Irmgard Carter
White Balance:5500K
AF Mode:Manual
Tone Comp:0
Long Exposure NR:Off
High ISO NR:Off

2013 March 24