
This was photographed around 40 years ago onto Kodachrome 25 file using a Nikon F3 camera and a micro-Nikkor 55mm Ais lens. This is a road barricade that is in storage near the Emily Carr College (now a University) on Granville Island. The background is the wall of an art materials (mostly wood for carvings) storage shed. The roads on Granville Island were occasionally blocked with these barricades to make a large pedestrian area for events.

Photography notes:

This is one of the first slides we've digitized using a camera. Previously we used a dedicated film scanner, but it was slow and produced only 8-bit depth per colour with about 8.6 megapixels per image. Now we can create around 45 megapixel images with 14-bit colour depth. We're still figuring out how to get good digital images from our older film photos - adjusting for colour shifts - but hope to have more to show in the near future.

12 Feb. 2025